At Wovoka, we empower communities to grow sustainable forests where nature and the community mutually benefit.

We implement projects that are designed to create healthy ecosystems that can withstand and reduce the effects of climate change, while sustaining the needs of the future.
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Carbon Projects

The flaws and opportunities in the voluntary carbon market

Wovoka analyzed project-level data from the ~1.8 billion issued offsets from the major voluntary carbon market (VCM) registries. The voluntary carbon market has many flaws in its implementation today, but it is critical to create a market that allows for payments to projects that genuinely protect and restore critical ecosystem services that sequester carbon.
Read about our insights on quality ratings and issuance volumes of various carbon project categories.
Get an overview of the 1.8 Billion tons of issued carbon offsets according to the issuing registry and year, project scope and type, project developer, and geographic criteria.
Read the full report of our research
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