Originate a carbon credit project.

Every nature-based carbon credit starts with hectares of forest or coastal lands that can originate carbon removal projects.

Work with Wovoka to start your own.

Scope your land

Our projects are community-led.

We team up with local community members who are leading the work on the ground as we provide technical guidance and support.

Access our voluntary carbon market
data platform.

Use the platform to better understand what currently exists within the voluntary carbon market, what is being transacted, and by whom.

Wovoka develops 3 different land types in Southeast Asia.

Coastal mangrove and seagrass areas
Tropical upland forests
Agricultural and agroforestry lands

For landholders who have at least 1000 hectares of land, originating a carbon credit project is feasible. These lands can undergo protection or restoration activities that sequester carbon from the atmosphere.

Quantified sequestration values will be converted to
carbon credits that can be sold in the voluntary carbon market once certified by leading carbon credit standards like the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) by Verra.

Why nature-based carbon credit projects?

Aside from the ecological benefits of nature-based carbon credit projects, they also bring a variety of social and economic advantages.

Increased income for landholders
Community involvement
and job creation
Sustainable land management for the community and its future generations
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